30 July 2019

The National Climate Change Secretariat (“NCCS”), under the Strategy Group, Prime Minister’s Office, has launched a public consultation and issued a Consultation Paper on Singapore’s low carbon emissions strategy beyond 2030 (“Strategy”). The consultation runs from 16 July to 30 August 2019.


The NCCS press release notes that Singapore, as a small, low-lying island city-state, is especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Rising sea levels, changes to rainfall patterns, and increasing temperatures will affect health, water supply, biodiversity and greenery, and coastline, among other things.

The Strategy is part of Singapore’s on-going effort to achieve its pledge under the Paris Agreement, where it has committed to reduce its emissions intensity by 36% from 2005 levels by 2030, and stabilise emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030. The Consultation Paper seeks views to contribute towards the Strategy and a sustainable environment for Singaporeans and Singapore.


The Consultation Paper seeks views on measures and actions that can be taken by the Government, businesses, households and individuals towards becoming a low carbon global city-state. Key areas where views are sought are:

  • Improving energy efficiency across all sectors: Singapore has several measures in place to facilitate improvements in energy efficiency, a key strategy in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This part of the Consultation Paper poses questions on what households and businesses can do to be more energy efficient. 
  • Encouraging responsible climate action through carbon pricing: Pricing carbon can promote behavioural change, encourage investments in energy efficiency and low carbon technologies, and stimulate growth in green industries. Questions are posed in this section concerning carbon tax and carbon credits. 
  • Reducing emissions from power generation, increasing alternative energy sources: Singapore has already switched from fuel oil to natural gas, the cleanest form of fossil fuel. Additional alternative energy sources are also being harnessed. The questions posed here relate to ideas relating to energy sources that can be considered for further exploration as well as how much individuals and companies would be willing to pay to purchase electricity generated from clean and renewable sources. 
  • Deploying emerging low-carbon technologies: Singapore recognises that technological innovation will play a significant role in helping us address long-term climate change and energy challenges. The Consultation Paper states that Singapore will continue to study technologies that can increase energy efficiency and support higher adoption of alternative energy sources. It seeks views on related issues, such as viability of electric vehicles and potential of hydrogen in businesses. 
  • Encouraging collective climate action: While the Government continues to implement measures and policies to reduce Singapore’s emissions and improve the nation’s standards of living, these need to be complemented by whole-of-society climate action to enable Singapore’s transition to a sustainable, low-carbon economy. The Consultation Paper asks for suggestions on actions individuals can undertake to help Singapore reach this goal.
  •  Tapping on green growth opportunities: Economic development does not have to equate to an increase in carbon emissions. Given Singapore’s skilled labour force, conducive business environment and strong financial sector, Singapore is well-positioned to become a green growth leader that provides green solutions to the world. As the global demand for clean technologies is expected to increase, there is an opportunity for Singapore to develop and demonstrate new low-carbon technology and solutions for use domestically and globally. The questions posed in this section seek to identify new green growth areas that create high-value jobs for Singaporeans and drive Singapore’s economy.

Reference materials

The following materials are available on the NCCS website www.nccs.gov.sg or by clicking the links below:


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