28 July 2020

The Indonesia Ministry of Trade (“MoT”) recently issued MoT Regulation No. 50 of 2020 titled “Provisions on Business Licensing, Advertising, Guidance and Supervision of Business Players in Trade through Electronic Systems” (“MoTR 50/2020”), to further implement Government Regulation No.80 of 2019 on Trade through Electronic Systems (GR 80/2019). MoTR 50/2020 further regulates electronic-based trading business activities. This article sets out some of the key provisions and changes.

This is an extract of an article by Soemadipradja & Taher, an Indonesian law firm with which Allen & Gledhill has a strategic alliance. To read the full article from the Soemadipradja & Taher website www.soemath.com, please click here.