Investment in GLP Vietnam Development Partners I, L.P. by Manulife Investment Management

Allen & Gledhill advised Manulife Investment Management (“Manulife”) on its investment in GLP Vietnam Development Partners I, L.P. (“Fund”), a logistics development fund with an investment capacity of US$1.1 billion.
The Fund, which focuses on developing modern and environmentally-friendly logistic facilities in Greater Hanoi and Greater Ho Chi Minh City, is seeded with six development sites with a total land area of close to 900,000 square metres and has a robust development pipeline of further opportunities.
The Fund is also set to be one of the largest logistics development funds in South-east Asia.
Advising Manulife as Singapore and Vietnam counsel were Partner Foong Yuen Ping from Allen & Gledhill’s Singapore office and Managing Partner Oh Hsiu-Hau from Allen & Gledhill (Vietnam) respectively.