28 June 2022

The Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 (“CDSA”) has been amended on 1 November 2021 and 29 May 2022 for various purposes including the following:

  • Allow parents of a stillborn child who satisfy certain eligibility criteria to qualify for certain Government-paid leave and benefits (except for childcare leave, extended childcare leave and unpaid infant care leave);
  • Enhance support for parents with children who are Singapore citizens and satisfy certain eligibility criteria, by introducing Government-paid adoption benefits and Government-paid paternity benefits;
  • Enhance financial support for working parents with children by providing certain Government-paid benefits if their employment is terminated on the ground of redundancy or by reason of any reorganisation of an employer’s profession, business, trade or work; and
  • Streamline the administration of payments and reimbursements under the CDSA by simplifying how some of the limits on such payments and reimbursements are determined.

Most of the amendments to the CDSA came into force on 1 November 2021.

Certain provisions relating to the definition of “stillborn child” in the CDSA and Employment Act 1968 came into operation on 29 May 2022.

The amendment to section 12(2) of the CDSA relating to the application of certain provisions of the Employment Act 1968 to an employer or employee under the CDSA has yet to come into force.

Reference materials

The following materials are available from Singapore Statutes Online sso.agc.gov.sg: