Sophie Lim

Sophie is Co-Head of the Firm’s ESG & Public Policy Practice.
Sophie’s range of competencies encompass advising on corporate regulatory compliance and corporate governance for SGX-ST listed companies and private companies, listing of Singapore companies on NYSE and NASDAQ, employee equity incentive schemes, corporate reorganisations and employment.
She has extensive experience advising NASDAQ and NYSE-listed Singapore companies on complex dual-jurisdiction compliance issues, from its IPO to post-listing acquisitions and regulatory compliance work.
She also advises public listed companies and private companies in the design of innovative equity and phantom incentive plans for founders, senior management and employees.
Sophie regularly assists foreign corporations in setting up a presence in Singapore, in undertaking corporate restructurings and also advises company directors on their duties, responsibilities and potential liabilities. She also advises on joint ventures and investments into Singapore companies.
Sophie joined the Firm in 1997 shortly after she was called to the Singapore Bar and has been a Partner since 2004.
Work Highlights
- Advised Israel Corporation on its spin-off of Kenon Holdings and the subsequent unprecedented dual-listing of Kenon Holdings on NYSE and TASE with an appraised value of US$1.06 billion.
- Advised Avago Technologies on its US$37 billion acquisition of Broadcom Corporation, and the subsequent listing of the new combined holding company on NASDAQ.
- Advised Verigy in its proposed merger with LTX-Credence and subsequently, in its response to Advantest Corporation's unsolicited takeover proposal and eventual US$1.1 billion acquisition by Advantest.
- China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement Further Upgrade Protocol in force from 31 December 2024
- Singapore and Australia expand cooperation on AI
- Food Safety and Security Bill passed to consolidate and amend law relating to food safety
- EMA consults on proposed Emissions Standards Code for power sector
- Workplace Fairness Bill passed in Parliament to protect employees from discrimination
- WSH Council issues Approved Code of Practice for Platform Services to enhance safety and well-being of platform workers
- Australia and Singapore collaborate to support sustainable infrastructure and decarbonisation in South-east Asia
- The International Platform on Sustainable Finance presents Multi-Jurisdiction Common Ground Taxonomy to enhance interoperability of taxonomies across EU, China, and Singapore
- Singapore and Jiangsu continue to deepen partnerships in green initiatives and innovation
- MAS publishes Information Paper on Good Disclosure Practices for Retail ESG Funds
- Platform Workers Act 2024 to fully come into force on 1 January 2025
- MAS’ Transition Credits Coalition (TRACTION) outlines integrity, scalability, and demand considerations in utilising transition credits to accelerate early retirement of coal-fired power plants
- ACRA (Registry and Regulatory Enhancements) Act 2024 facilitating digital communications and enhancing ACRA regulatory framework in operation from 9 December 2024 except Part 8
- Key outcomes from COP29 and Singapore’s commitments
- New Carbon Markets Academy of Singapore launched
- Enterprise Singapore launches new grant and programme to level up sustainability reporting capabilities for Singapore companies
- Enterprise Singapore launches new roadmap to guide F&B industry on sustainability journey
- Singapore and China sign 25 agreements to further boost bilateral cooperation
- Workplace Fairness Bill introduced in Parliament to protect employees from discrimination
- Bill to amend Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 to provide for enhanced paternity leave and new shared parental leave passed
- MOM commences certain processes following partial commencement of Platform Workers Act 2024
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2024 on areas of review focus for FY2024 financial statements
- Authentication of public documents to be available online from 2025
- NCCS conducts public consultation on Singapore’s decarbonisation journey
- Singapore and Ghana launch first call for project applications under Implementation Agreement on carbon credits cooperation
- Singapore substantially concludes the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area 3.0 Upgrade negotiations
- WSH Council issues draft “Guidelines on Providing Support for Employees with and at-risk of Mental Health Conditions” for comment
- MOM and SNEF to work with NTUC, HR community, and employers to implement recommendations by Alliance for Action on Widening Access to Talent
- IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards to be incorporated into SGX climate reporting rules from FY 2025
- LTA and NEA to continue incentivising adoption of cleaner energy vehicles, with emphasis on electric vehicles
- New Action for Alliance formed to develop guidelines on sustainable packaging for e-commerce sector
- Singapore and Japan deepen collaboration opportunities on carbon capture and storage
- Enhanced paternity leave and new shared parental leave scheme from 1 April 2025
- Platform Workers Bill passed in Parliament to strengthen protections for platform workers
- Singapore and the EU conclude negotiations on European Union-Singapore Digital Trade Agreement (EUSDTA)
- NRF to invest S$90 million in new Decarbonisation Programme
- New Platform Workers Bill introduced in Parliament
- SGX updates guidance note on change of auditors
- ACRA, NUS study finds larger listed companies on track for mandatory climate reporting in FY 2025
- Singapore and the Netherlands conclude MOU on collaboration in international climate science
- Financial Transparency Corridor initiative between Singapore and Cambodia begins with first FIs onboarded
- Provisions of Resource Sustainability Act 2019 on new beverage container return scheme in force
- Registrar of Regulated Dealers issues notice on Environmental Crimes Money Laundering National Risk Assessment
- Public consultation on remote witnessing and e signing of statutory declarations
- MAS releases Sustainability Report 2023/2024 setting out strategy on climate resilience and environmental sustainability
- Framework in Online Criminal Harms Act 2023 for codes of practice and directives to counter scams and malicious cyber activities in force
- ACRA (Registry and Regulatory Enhancements) Bill facilitating digital communications and enhancing ACRA regulatory framework passed on 2 July 2024
- Singapore and China advance collaboration in green and transition finance
- Singapore and Ghana to collaborate on carbon credits under Article 6 of Paris Agreement
- Singapore issues environmental crimes money laundering national risk assessment
- ACRA (Registry and Regulatory Enhancements) Bill tabled following consultation on streamlining corporate regulatory regime
- MTI conducts public consultation on possible improvements to Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership
- Singapore, Chile, New Zealand announce Republic of Korea’s successful accession to Digital Economy Partnership Agreement
- MPA announces maritime energy transition collaborations with international agencies
- SGX seeks comments on proposed rule changes on facilitating shareholder-requisitioned meetings
- NEA seeks feedback on proposed transboundary movement control of electronic wastes
- Singapore Food Agency seeks feedback on provisions in draft Food Safety and Security Bill on defined food and pre-market approval and provision of non-packaged drinking water
- Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests to take effect on 1 December 2024
- New Singapore Emission Factors Registry for more accurate reporting of carbon emissions
- SGX RegCo issues consultation paper on incorporation of ISSB standards in sustainability reporting
- New provisions on segregation, treatment, and reporting requirements relating to food waste come into force
- Government enhances support for businesses in transition to low-carbon and sustainable future
- NCSS conducts public consultation on sustainable philanthropy framework
- Singapore and Indonesia to collaborate on carbon capture and storage
- Singapore aims to become leading global geospatial hub with strategies set out in new master plan
- Logistics industry to accelerate pace of green transition with new initiatives to intensify companies’ sustainability efforts and capabilities
- MOM to raise Employment Pass qualifying salary from 1 January 2025 and Local Qualifying Salary from 1 July 2024
- MOM to raise retirement and re-employment ages to 64 and 69 respectively in 2026
- Singapore and Australia sign MOU on green and digital shipping corridor and develop principles to guide development of cross-border electricity trade
- MOF and ACRA consult on proposed legislative amendments relating to digital communications and regulatory enhancements
- ACRA, SGX RegCo respond to feedback from consultation on Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee recommendations: Mandatory climate reporting for listed issuers and large non-listed companies
- SGX RegCo enhances mandatory training requirements for directors with no prior experience
- IMDA and GovTech announce digital sustainability initiatives to green the information and communications technology sector
- MOM announces higher work injury compensation limits
- MAS launches Singapore Sustainable Finance Association
- Online Criminal Harms Act 2023 enabling authorities to deal more effectively with criminal online activities partially in force on 1 February 2024
- COP28: Impact on Singapore and South-east Asia
- CGAC revises Practice Guidance in Code of Corporate Governance in relation to shareholder rights and conduct of general meetings and engagement with shareholders
- Singapore signs first implementation agreement with Papua New Guinea to collaborate on carbon credits under Article 6 of Paris Agreement
- Centre for Climate Research Singapore projections show intensifying urban heat, more wet and dry extremes; NEA launches second grant call under Climate Impacts Science Research
- Singapore and MERCOSUR sign MERCOSUR-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
- Implementation of Nutri-Grade requirements for freshly prepared beverages from 30 December 2023
- Singapore and Japan sign memorandum of cooperation to establish Green and Digital Shipping Corridor
- Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 amended to implement enhancements to parental leave schemes
- Singapore publishes eligibility list for international carbon credits under carbon tax regime
- National statement at COP28: Singapore prepared to offtake transition credits
- Singapore and China reaffirm countries’ strong ties and sign MOUs to further boost bilateral cooperation
- MAS launches Transition Credits Coalition (TRACTION) and pilot projects to develop transition credits for early retirement of coal-fired power plants in Asia
- MAS launches world’s first multi-sector transition taxonomy
- MAS publishes code of conduct for providers of ESG rating and data products
- Lease Agreements for Retail Premises Act 2023 to take effect from 1 February 2024
- MAS revises FAQs on Disclosure of Interests to provide guidance on determining date of acquisition of or change in interests under Part 7 of Securities and Futures Act 2001
- Green Skills Committee identifies green skills in high demand in energy and sustainability reporting and assurance sectors
- Energy Market Authority announces new emission standards for power generation units and initiatives to meet electricity demand
- Singapore announces changes to gas procurement framework for power sector, and launches next stage of selection of a low- or zero-carbon ammonia solution for power generation and bunkering
- SWITCH 2023 - New initiatives launched in sustainability, open innovation, and market access
- MAS lays foundation for safe and innovative use of digital money in Singapore, launches integrated platform for seamless ESG data collection and access
- MAS announced new AI-powered system to support sustainable finance in real estate sector
- MAS announces new AI-powered system to support sustainable finance in real estate sector
- Study on greenwashing in online marketing finds use of vague environmental claims and confusing technical jargon
- Q3 2023 Review: Key ESG and public policy developments in Singapore
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2023 on areas of review focus for FY2023 financial statements
- Singapore expands quality and standards development efforts to support businesses in green transition
- MAS Sustainable Finance Advisory Panel discusses possible financing mechanisms to accelerate phase-out of coal-fired power plants in Asia and better support decarbonisation of energy, aviation and maritime transport sectors
- Singapore and China sign MOUs relating to variety of sectors including mobility, decarbonisation, and digitalisation
- Upcoming changes to Child Development Co-Savings Act 2001 on government-paid paternity leave and unpaid infant care leave
- MAS consults on proposed guidelines for financial institutions on transition planning for a net zero economy
- Singapore sets eligibility criteria for international carbon credits under carbon tax regime
- SGX RegCo provides guidance for companies on developing and executing credible climate transition plans
- ASEAN launches negotiations on ASEAN Digital Economic Framework Agreement and commits to bolstering regional economic integration
- LTA reviews point-to-point (P2P) industry structure and regulatory framework
- Changes in CPF monthly salary ceiling from 1 September 2023
- Carbon tax increase, industry transition framework and provisions allowing use of eligible international carbon credits to take effect 1 January 2024, among other upcoming developments
- Directors’ Liability and Indemnification: A Global Guide (4th Ed, 2022) - Singapore
- UK becomes first economy to accede to the CPTPP
- MTI public consultation on ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA)
- UK and Singapore enhance cooperation in sustainable finance and FinTech
- Singapore Government accepts Tripartite Committee’s final recommendations for workplace fairness legislation
- MOM consults on definitions of “platform operator” and “platform worker”, protection in the subcontracting scenario and platform operators’ duties regarding safety and health
- Online Safety Code issued by IMDA takes effect to enhance online safety and curb spread of harmful content
- Bill passed to mandate compliance with Code of Conduct for Leasing of Retail Premises for qualifying leases of retail premises, expected to take effect in February 2024
- MTI consults on ASEAN-China Free Trade Area 3.0 upgrade negotiations
- Bills to facilitate electronic statutory declarations, oaths and affirmations, and notarisations passed
- MAS and SGX Group to collaborate with Climate Data Steering Committee to strengthen global access to climate transition-related data
- MAS issues consultation paper on Proposed Code of Conduct for ESG Rating and Data Product Providers
- EnterpriseSG and CDP launch new environmental disclosure programme for Singapore enterprises
- UNDP, GLEIF and MAS collaborate to digitise basic ESG credentials for MSMEs
- Extension of Nutri-Grade requirements to freshly prepared beverages from 30 December 2023
- MPA Singapore and Lloyd’s Register sign MOU to facilitate zero-emission shipping across Indian and Pacific Oceans
- Government accepts recommendations by tripartite workgroup to enhance representation for platform workers
- MAS releases fourth GFIT taxonomy consultation paper: Coal phase-out criteria under Singapore-Asia Taxonomy
- Online Criminal Harms Bill passed to enable authorities to deal more effectively with criminal online activities
- Bill introduced to mandate compliance with Code of Conduct for Leasing of Retail Premises for qualifying retail premises in Singapore
- ACRA, SGX RegCo consult on Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee recommendations: Mandatory climate reporting for listed and large non-listed companies
- SGX RegCo publishes Guidelines on Independent Financial Advisers setting out expectations of directors and IFAs
- Disposable carrier bag charge to be implemented from 3 July 2023
- MAS to set expectations on credible transition planning by financial institutions
- Companies, Business Trusts and Other Bodies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2023 in force on 1 July 2023: Providing for fully virtual or hybrid meetings, revised threshold computation for compulsory acquisition of shares, and other amendments
- Companies, Business Trusts and Other Bodies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2023: Provisions on compulsory acquisition of shares, disqualification of directors and penalties imposed on directors to take effect on 1 July 2023
- Companies, Business Trusts and Other Bodies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2023: Providing for fully virtual or hybrid meetings, revised threshold computation for compulsory acquisition of shares, and other amendments
- Q1 2023 Review: Key ESG and public policy developments in Singapore
- MAS launches Finance for Net Zero Action Plan
- Online Criminal Harms Bill introduced to enable authorities to deal more effectively with criminal online activities
- Bill to amend Resource Sustainability Act 2019 passed to address packaging and food waste
- MTI announces UK’s accession process to CPTPP
- MOM announces details of Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS) bonus criteria: 27 occupations on new Shortage Occupation List
- Singapore and UK sign MOU on Green Economy Framework
- MSE announces various sustainability initiatives relating to zero-waste, food and climate resilience
- FTAs in times of economic uncertainty: A quick guide on utilising Singapore’s FTAs for business opportunities
- Budget 2023: Key highlights
- Environmental Public Health (Amendment) Bill passed to implement Progressive Wage Model for waste management sector and revise cleaning business licensing framework
- Singapore and Malaysia conclude frameworks on cooperation in the digital economy and green economy
- Singapore and the EU sign Digital Partnership
- Bill to amend Resource Sustainability Act 2019 introduced to address packaging and food waste
- MOH announces Nutri-Grade requirements to extend to freshly prepared beverages from end-2023
- Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices enhanced with additional guidelines on exercising sensitivity for a harmonious workplace
- Tripartite Committee on Workplace Fairness releases interim report on recommendations for workplace fairness legislation
- MOM announces formation of platform workers work injury compensation implementation network
- Singapore Government accepts recommendations by International Advisory Panel to strengthen workplace safety and health
- MOF and ACRA issue responses to key feedback on proposed amendments to Companies Act 1967
- Green Finance Industry Taskforce launches third consultation on green and transition taxonomy
- ACRA, MOF and MAS issue consultation paper on legislative amendments to enable conduct of general meetings by electronic means
- Legislation to tackle harmful content on online services accessible to users in Singapore in force
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme Report 2022 highlighting measures to strengthen financial reporting competency
- NCCS publishes public feedback received during consultation on Singapore’s raised climate ambition and low-carbon transition
- Singapore Court of Appeal finds that company set up to promote sustainable development owed no fiduciary duty to communities adversely affected by environmental damage
- Korea-Singapore Digital Partnership Agreement enters into force
- SGX RegCo amends Listing Rules to limit tenure of independent directors to nine years and require disclosure of exact remuneration of directors and CEOs
- Q4 2022 Review: Key ESG and public policy developments in Singapore
- COP27: Impact on Singapore and South-east Asia
- SGX RegCo, SID and CSIS publish service standards for companies’ virtual general meetings
- MTI launches one-stop platform Green Economy Regulatory Initiative (GERI)
- New joint projects agreed under Singapore-China (Shenzhen) Smart City Initiative
- Singapore Government accepts recommendations by Advisory Committee on Platform Workers to strengthen protections for platform workers
- MinLaw to revoke Covid-19 legislation providing for alternative arrangements for meetings on 1 July 2023; MAS and ACRA planning legislation to allow general meetings by electronic means
- Bill to amend Carbon Pricing Act 2018 passed to increase carbon tax rates, introduce industry transition framework and option to use eligible international credits
- SGX launches initiative to recognise sustainable fixed income
- Singapore joins Article 6 Implementation Partnership at COP27
- MTI announces substantial conclusion of negotiations seeking to upgrade Agreement Establishing the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area
- Singapore joins Forests and Climate Leaders’ Partnership as member country
- Singapore updates long-term low-emissions development strategy
- Bill passed to tackle harmful content on online services accessible to users in Singapore
- Singapore and China agree 19 MOUs and seek to strengthen cooperation in green finance and capital markets
- Q3 2022 Review: Key ESG and public policy developments in Singapore
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2022 on areas of review focus for FY2022 financial statements
- SGX RegCo consults on proposed hard limit of nine years on tenure of independent directors and disclosure of exact remuneration of directors and CEOs of listed companies
- Code of practice on WSH duties of chief executives and board of directors gazetted as Approved Code of Practice
- New Technical Reference 109 launched to guide companies on sustainable packaging-related practices
- ABS issues guidelines for sustainable private banking and wealth management practices and PBIG sets common sustainable finance training benchmark for private banking professionals
- Singapore and Australia sign green economy agreement to advance trade and environmental sustainability
- MOM issues updated advisory on Covid-19 vaccination at the workplace following lifting of vaccination differentiated safe management measures
- MAS launches ESG Impact Hub to encourage growth of ESG ecosystem
- SID Directors Conference 2022: Navigating greenwashing in ESG
- Bill introduced to tackle harmful content on online services accessible to users in Singapore
- Bill introduced to amend Carbon Pricing Act 2018: Increase in carbon tax, industry transition framework and option to use eligible international carbon credits
- Commencement of new requirements under Corporate Registers (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2022 on 4 October 2022
- SGX RegCo to consult on hard coding nine-year cap on ID tenure, requiring disclosure of actual remuneration of directors and CEOs
- SGX Group and MAS launch SGX ESGenome disclosure portal to streamline sustainability reporting and enhance investor access to ESG data
- NCCS conducts public consultation on raised climate ambition and low-carbon transition
- NEA launches public consultation on Beverage Container Return Scheme
- MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace
- MOM issues advisory on Covid-19 vaccination requirements to apply for and renew passes
- Targeted enhancements to work pass framework announced
- Tripartite partners establish workgroup on representation for platform workers
- Code of practice on chief executives’ and board of directors’ WSH duties launched, to be gazetted by October 2022
- Work pass framework enhancements: Ministerial statement
- Q2 2022 Review: Key ESG and public policy developments in Singapore
- Singapore as global hub for talent: MOM announces new Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass, new benchmark for top 10% EP holders, shorter FCF job advertising duration, shorter EP applications processing time, five-year EP option
- Updates to Employment Pass qualifying salary from 1 September 2022 for new applications
- Measures for Nutri-Grade beverages to take effect from 30 December 2022
- MAS and Google Cloud launch Point Carbon Zero Programme to catalyse climate FinTech solutions
- MAS releases Sustainability Report 2021/2022 highlighting importance of transition finance
- MAS issues circular on disclosure and reporting guidelines for retail ESG funds effective from 2023
- Singapore and Malaysia to deepen cooperation in digital economy and green economy
- SGX RegCo CEO discusses greenwashing, possible upcoming regulations on making information available, comparable, and trusted
- MTI seeks feedback on proposed legislation to mandate compliance with Code of Conduct for Leasing of Retail Premises in Singapore
- MSE consults on proposed increase in carbon tax and option to use eligible international carbon credits in draft Carbon Pricing (Amendment) Bill
- MCI seeks comments on proposed Code of Practice for Online Safety and Content Code for Social Media Services
- Singapore joins First Movers Coalition to decarbonise emissions-intensive sectors
- Singapore ratifies Kigali Amendment to Montreal Protocol
- Taskforce on mental health and well-being seeks comments on recommendations to improve workplace well-being measures and employment support
- Child Development Co-Savings Act 2021 amended to implement family-friendly policies at the workplace
- SGX RegCo to require live engagement and voting at AGMs for all issuers
- ABS launches industry standard template for banks to engage corporate clients on environmental risk issues
- MAS issues information papers on environmental risk management for banks, asset managers and insurers
- ACRA and SGX RegCo establish committee to advise on sustainability reporting roadmap for Singapore-incorporated companies
- Singapore’s Green Plan: Overview of support measures and grants for sustainable developments
- Singapore Green Bond Framework introduced for issuance of sovereign green bonds
- Companies Act 1967 amended to clarify timelines for local and foreign companies to update registers
- MOM updates advisories on Covid-19 arrangements at the workplace
- Green Finance Industry Taskforce consults on second version of green and transition taxonomy
- Q1 2022 Review: Key ESG and public policy developments in Singapore
- MAS revises Practice Guidance in Code of Corporate Governance to provide updated guidance on board diversity policy
- Energy 2050 Committee releases report affirming net-zero feasibility for Singapore power sector by 2050
- Covid-19: Singapore further eases border restrictions - Move to Vaccinated Travel Framework and removal of pre-departure requirements
- SGX RegCo provides guidance on its expectation of issuers regarding sanctions-related risks, subject or activity
- SGX RegCo sets out expectations regarding business valuations for significant transactions
- MOM updates advisory on requirements for workplace safe management measures
- MOM updates advisory on work and leave arrangements for employees who test positive for Covid-19 but are mildly symptomatic or physically well
- Singapore implements export control measures and financial measures in relation to Russia
- MOM announces upcoming changes to Employment Pass eligibility
- Budget 2022: Key highlights
- Energy (Resilience Measures and Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2021 partially in force from 29 January 2022
- Singapore outlines sanctions and restrictions against Russia in response to invasion of Ukraine
- Singapore signs free trade agreement with Pacific Alliance
- NEA public consultation on disposable carrier bag charge at supermarkets
- ACRA, MAS and SGX RegCo update guidance on the conduct of general meetings amid evolving Covid-19 situation
- Tripartite partners issue advisory on business continuity plan to provide guidance on potentially high levels of workforce absences
- Covid-19: Singapore eases border restrictions for long-term pass holders and visitors
- ESG & Public Policy: 2021 in Review
- Changes to CPF contribution rates from 1 January 2022 for employees aged above 55 to 70
- Covid-19 vaccination to be a condition for long-term passes, work passes and permanent residence from 1 February 2022
- Updated Covid-19 advisories: Vaccination at the workplace and work and leave arrangements for Covid-19 positive employees who are mildly symptomatic or physically well
- MOM updates advisory on workplace safe management measures requirements: Concession for unvaccinated employees to return to workplace via negative PET removed, work-related events with 50-1000 participants permitted
- Workplace Safety and Health (Covid-19 Safe Workplace) Regulations 2021 in force from 1 January 2022
- Corporate Registers (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill enhancing Singapore’s regime on transparency and beneficial ownership of companies and LLPs passed
- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in force from 1 January 2022: Businesses benefit from measures facilitating trade and investment
- SGX mandates climate and board diversity disclosures
- ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 1 of 2021 on areas of review for FY 2021 financial statements
- ACRA consults on proposed legislative amendments relating to data, digitalisation, and corporate transparency
- COP26: Commitments from Singapore and the region
- SGX to prescribe additional timelines for Q&A before general meetings and requirement for virtual information sessions for some corporate actions
- MOM issues revised advisory on work and leave arrangements for employees who test positive on Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test (ART) but are physically well
- MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at workplace, up to 50% of employees who can work from home allowed to return to workplace from 1 January 2022
- ASEAN regional connectivity to be enhanced by Multimodal Transport Act 2021 in effect 28 November 2021
- Singapore and Australia to focus on low emissions cooperation in 2022
- Tripartite partners update Advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace
- Singapore commits to phasing out unabated coal power by 2050
- Energy (Resilience Measures and Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill passed, MTI and EMA issue response to feedback on draft Bill
- Bill to enhance Singapore’s regime on transparency and beneficial ownership of companies and LLPs tabled in Parliament
- EMA launches new Singapore Standard for Renewable Energy Certificates, explores geothermal energy
- Tripartite partners update Advisory on Covid-19 vaccination at the workplace
- The journey to low carbon transition: An introduction to carbon pricing
- Enterprise Singapore launches S$180 million Enterprise Sustainability Programme to help at least 6,000 enterprises build sustainability capabilities
- MOM issues advisory on work and leave arrangements for employees who test positive on Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test (ART) but are physically well
- Vaccination as entry requirement for work pass holders from 1 November 2021
- MOM issues advisory to employers on Rostered Routine Testing and charging policy for workers in construction, marine, and process sectors, and in dormitories
- Singapore Institute of Directors Conference 2021: The Dawn and Permanence of ESG - Why It Matters
- Apostille Convention enters into force for Singapore
- Transition to low-carbon electricity generation sources: Consultation on Energy (Resilience Measures and Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill
- SGX consults on mandatory climate and board diversity disclosures
- Key insights on initiatives and developments following National Day Rally Speech 2021
- Tripartite partners urge employers to adopt “Vaccinate or Regular Test” regime as company policy
- Extended Producer Responsibility system for e-waste management system under Resource Sustainability Act 2019 implemented
- MOF, ACRA consult on proposed enhancements to Singapore’s regime on transparency and beneficial ownership of companies and LLPs
- MOM announces new measures to facilitate retention and hiring of work permit holders in construction, marine shipyard and process sectors
- Covid-19: MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace to allow more employees to return
- Apostille Act 2020 abolishes legalisation requirements for foreign public documents from 16 September 2021
- MSE launches GreenGov.SG as key enabler of national sustainability agenda
- Singapore to develop and deploy low-carbon technological solutions
- MOM updates advisory on safe management measures at the workplace with effect from 20 July 2021
- SGX RegCo expands enforcement powers and mandates issuers to have whistleblowing policy
- MOM, NTUC, SNEF issue advisory on Covid-19 vaccination in employment settings
- Joint venture to establish Climate Impact X, a global exchange and marketplace for carbon credits
- MOM and ESG update requirements for safe management measures at the workplace with effect from 10 June 2021
- MAS releases inaugural Sustainability Report to chart strategy on climate resilience and environmental sustainability
- New Tripartite Standard on Work-Life Harmony launched to boost workplace morale and performance
- Covid-19: MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace with effect from 16 May 2021
- Emerging Stronger Taskforce publishes recommendations for a virtually unlimited and sustainable Singapore in a post-Covid-19 economic environment
- Green Finance Industry Taskforce launches guide for climate-related disclosures and framework for green trade finance
- Q1 2021 Review: Five key ESG and public policy developments in Singapore
- Covid-19: MinLaw further extends duration of legislation for alternative meeting arrangements
- Covid-19: MOM updates advisory on requirements for safe management measures at the workplace to allow greater flexibility for businesses
- MOM to require Dependant’s Pass holders who wish to work to apply for work pass from 1 May 2021
- SGX RegCo allows Mainboard issuers up to 31 December 2021 to seek or renew enhanced share issue limit amid Covid-19
- Singapore accedes to Apostille Convention
- SGX RegCo enhances rules on auditors, valuers and valuation reports
- MOM requires work pass holders to update MOM on new residential address or mobile number within five days of change
- Covid-19: ACRA issues Financial Reporting Practice Guidance No. 2 of 2020 to guide directors in review of FY2020 financial statements
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF launch Tripartite Advisory on Mental Well-being at Workplaces
- EDB to launch new programme to attract entrepreneurs and leaders to develop Singapore’s tech ecosystem
- Apostille Bill passed to give effect to Hague Convention obligations abolishing legalisation requirements for foreign public documents
- Apostille Bill introduced to facilitate cross-border use of public documents
- Covid-19: Legislation for alternative meeting arrangements refined and extended to 30 June 2021
- Corporate Governance Advisory Committee issues statement on directors’ disclosures in rights issues
- Changes to the Work Injury Compensation Act 2019 in force from 1 September 2020
- MOM updates advisory on salary and leave arrangements
- Covid-19: MinLaw to extend duration of legislation for alternative meeting arrangements to 30 June 2021
- MOM announces tightening of work pass requirements: Increase in EP and S Pass minimum qualifying salary, enhancements to Fair Consideration Framework
- MOM defers requirements for insurers under Work Injury Compensation Act 2019 till 1 January 2021
- SGX RegCo sets out expectations on financial reporting during Covid-19 period
- SGX RegCo seeks swifter outcomes in enforcement actions, right of delegation, exclusion of liability and indemnity and issuers to have whistleblowing policy
- ACRA seeks feedback on wide-ranging proposed amendments to Companies Act
- SGX RegCo sets out expectations of sustainability reporting during Covid-19 period
- ACRA, MAS and SGX RegCo update guidance on conduct of general meetings during Covid-19 period to clarify that issuers permitted to operate need no longer submit notification to MTI for on-site operations
- Covid-19: ACRA issues guidance for directors reviewing upcoming financial statements
- SGX RegCo removes minimum trading price rule while enhancing other anti-manipulation tools with effect from 1 June 2020
- SGX RegCo extends timeline for release of unaudited financial results and sets out expectations on issuers’ disclosure obligations, Amendment Order revises period for alternative meetings arrangements
- Holding meetings amid Covid-19: Order for alternative arrangements issued, guidance and checklist provided by ACRA, MAS and SGX RegCo
- SGX RegCo enhances share issue limit for Mainboard issuers and suspends entry into financial watch-list amid challenging Covid-19 business climate
- Holding meetings amid Covid-19 outbreak: New Act provides legal certainty; ACRA, SGX RegCo extend AGM and annual return deadlines
- Making statutory declarations and affidavits amid the Covid-19 situation
- SGX RegCo gives additional two months to issuers irrespective of place of business or operations to hold AGMs due to concerns about large-group meetings amid Covid-19
- ACRA aligns filed data with data filed under National Registration Act
- SGX consults on enhancements to regulatory regime for auditors and property valuation
- SGX implements new approach to quarterly reporting and enhances continuous disclosure requirements on 7 February 2020
- ACRA enhances annual return forms for easier filing
- SGX RegCo consults on proposed removal of minimum trading price framework and changes to financial watch-list administration
- MOM and TADM release inaugural Employment Standards Report
- Work Injury Compensation Bill passed in Parliament to provide a more expeditious process for employees to receive compensation for work injuries
- Work Injury Compensation Bill introduced to provide a more expeditious process for employees to receive compensation for work injuries
- MOM announces acceptance of recommendations to refresh retirement and re-employment framework
- ACRA issues Registrar’s Interpretation No. 1 of 2019 on alteration of constitution with respect to objects of company and lodging requirements under Companies Act
- ACRA revises Guidance relating to requirements on register of registrable controllers and register of nominee directors
- MOM, NTUC and SNEF release Tripartite Guidelines on Wrongful Dismissal
- MAS establishes industry-led Corporate Governance Advisory Committee to advocate good corporate governance practices
- SGX shares proposals on appointment of second auditor or Singapore-based auditor, and raising business and real estate valuations standard
- MOM consults on proposed changes to Work Injury Compensation Act