Eugene Ho

Eugene is the Co-Head of Allen & Gledhill’s Cybersecurity & Data Protection Practice. He is also a Partner in the Technology & Corporate Intellectual Property Practice. His practice is focused on data protection, cybersecurity, technology and intellectual property-related transactions, agreements and advice.
Eugene’s clients include both established businesses as well as start-up companies. His experience encompasses matters related to outsourcing arrangements, IT systems development and procurement, software and content licensing and delivery (including Software-as-a-Service arrangements), FinTech, contractual collaborations and joint ventures, data centre arrangements, e-commerce, telecommunications, data protection, privacy and cybersecurity, contract manufacturing and research and development arrangements, gaming, Video-on-Demand, Over-the-Top and cloud / online services, media and events, hospitality and franchising, agency and distribution arrangements.
Eugene has been identified as a “Next Generation Partner” for TMT in The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2021 edition.
Proficient in written and spoken Mandarin, Eugene has also advised on Chinese transactions.
Work Highlights
- Advised Lazada on the rollout and commercialization of their retail e-commerce platform.
- Advised SGX on the intellectual property / technology-related issues and documentation relating to its acquisition of a 93 per cent. stake in Scientific Beta Pte Ltd in 2020.
- Advised leading online service and content providers on Singapore law issues pertaining to the deployment of their product and services in Singapore via the internet, including the hosting of user-generated content, the provision of Video-on-Demand and Over-the-Top media services as well as Software-as-a-Service deployments.
- Advised various clients on intellectual property and technology-related issues and documentation relating to their planned mergers and acquisitions, contractual joint ventures and/or other collaboration arrangements.
- Advised start-up companies on the commercialisation of their intellectual property assets and technology platforms.
- Three key FinTech trends in 2024
- Protection from Scams Bill passed to empower Police to issue restriction orders to banks to restrict banking transactions of scam targets
- Protection from Scams Bill introduced to empower Police to issue restriction orders to banks to restrict banking transactions of individuals
- Shift Happens: How Generative AI is Changing the Way We Make Content
- Shared Responsibility Framework for FIs, Telcos, and consumers for phishing scams and revisions to E-Payments User Protection Guidelines to come into effect on 16 December 2024
- CSA publishes Safe App Standard Version 2.0 to strengthen overall security posture of mobile apps in Singapore and better safeguard app transactions and user data
- CSA launches guidelines and companion guide on securing AI systems
- CSA announces updated Operational Technology Cybersecurity Masterplan 2024
- MAS publishes information paper on cyber risks associated with generative AI
- MHA consults on proposed Protection from Scams Bill empowering Police to issue restriction orders to banks to restrict banking transactions of scam targets
- CSA seeks comments on draft guidelines and companion guide on securing AI systems
- MAS commits up to S$100 million to support quantum and AI capabilities in financial sector
- PDPC publishes proposed guide on synthetic data generation
- Strengthening AI governance in Singapore: (1) Safety guidelines for Generative AI model developers and application deployers, (2) expanded PET sandbox, and (3) ASEAN guide on data anonymisation
- Singapore and China advance cooperation in trusted commercial data flows and AI governance
- Public consultation on remote witnessing and e signing of statutory declarations
- Framework in Online Criminal Harms Act 2023 for codes of practice and directives to counter scams and malicious cyber activities in force
- Singapore launches generative AI testing toolkit Project Moonshot to address LLM safety and security challenges
- Singapore launches Digital Enterprise Blueprint
- Singapore launches Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI
- Bill passed to expand scope of Cybersecurity Act 2018 to regulate more entities
- Bill introduced to expand scope of Cybersecurity Act 2018 to regulate more entities
- Singapore and Malaysia sign MOU to strengthen cooperation to tackle scams across telecommunications channels
- Singapore studying introduction of Digital Infrastructure Act
- MCI announces AI initiatives in alignment with National AI Strategy, including PDPC Advisory Guidelines on the Use of Personal Data in AI Recommendation and Decision Systems
- Three key FinTech trends in 2023
- New initiatives to advance Singapore’s National AI Strategy 2.0 including AI Trailblazers 2.0 and Google for Startups Accelerator: AI First Singapore
- IMDA and GovTech announce digital sustainability initiatives to green the information and communications technology sector
- Online Criminal Harms Act 2023 enabling authorities to deal more effectively with criminal online activities partially in force on 1 February 2024
- CSA conducts public consultation on draft Cybersecurity (Amendment) Bill
- CSA issues Safe App Standard to provide guidance on enhancing security of mobile applications
- MCI leads S$20 million research programme to tackle new forms of online harms
- Singapore announces proposed Model AI Governance Framework for Generative AI
- Telcos allow mobile subscribers to block calls from international numbers from 5 January 2024
- Singapore pioneers flagship AI initiative to develop South-east Asia’s first large language model ecosystem
- IMDA and AI Verify Foundation announce first of its kind Generative AI Evaluation Sandbox for Trusted AI
- Cyber Security Agency launches cloud security companion guides for organisations
- SWITCH 2023 - New initiatives launched in sustainability, open innovation, and market access
- MAS lays foundation for safe and innovative use of digital money in Singapore, launches integrated platform for seamless ESG data collection and access
- Consultations on proposed shared responsibility framework for FIs, Telcos and consumers for phishing scams and revisions to E-Payments User Protection Guidelines
- PDPC consults on proposed Advisory Guidelines on (1) Use of personal data in AI recommendation and decision systems and (2) PDPA for children’s personal data
- Online Safety Code issued by IMDA takes effect to enhance online safety and curb spread of harmful content
- Bills to facilitate electronic statutory declarations, oaths and affirmations, and notarisations passed
- UK and Singapore sign agreements on data and emerging technologies to boost trade and security
- ASEAN businesses get subsidised mediation to resolve IP or technology disputes
- Online Criminal Harms Bill passed to enable authorities to deal more effectively with criminal online activities
- Launch of Singapore’s Digital Connectivity Blueprint: Architecting Singapore’s digital future
- Online Criminal Harms Bill introduced to enable authorities to deal more effectively with criminal online activities
- Digital Enterprise Blueprint and Digital Connectivity Blueprint to be launched this year
- New Online Criminal Harms Act and Code of Practice for App Stores among measures announced to tackle online crimes and strengthen online safety
- IMDA implements mandatory registration with Singapore SMS Sender ID Registry from 31 January 2023
- Three key FinTech trends in 2022
- Legislation to tackle harmful content on online services accessible to users in Singapore in force
- Korea-Singapore Digital Partnership Agreement enters into force
- Singapore’s Counter Ransomware Task Force Report provides blueprint to counter ransomware effectively
- CSA launches Internet Hygiene Portal, including Internet Hygiene Rating table
- MAS’ Cyber Security Advisory Panel provides key insights on addressing new financial sector cyber risks
- Bill passed to tackle harmful content on online services accessible to users in Singapore
- Increased maximum financial penalties under Personal Data Protection Act 2012 from 1 October 2022
- New code of conduct for Buy Now, Pay Later service providers sets out best practices to protect consumers
- IMDA to implement full SMS Sender ID registration from 31 January 2023 and anti-scam filtering solutions from 31 October 2022
- Bill introduced to tackle harmful content on online services accessible to users in Singapore
- CSA issues Singapore Cyber Landscape 2021 highlighting key malicious cyber activities in 2021, anticipated cybersecurity trends and initiatives to combat cyberthreats
- IMDA proposes full SMS Sender ID registration and anti-scam filtering solutions to enhance protection against scams
- PDPC issues guide on personal data protection considerations for blockchain design and infographic on good practices to secure personal data in the cloud platform
- Singapore and Malaysia to deepen cooperation in digital economy and green economy
- IMDA and PDPC launch Singapore’s first Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET) Sandbox to support businesses in piloting PET projects
- MCI seeks comments on proposed Code of Practice for Online Safety and Content Code for Social Media Services
- PDPC issues Guide on Responsible Use of Biometric Data in Security Applications
- Singapore and UK Digital Economy Agreement enters into force
- Inter-Ministry Committee on Scams introduces E-commerce Marketplace Transaction Safety Ratings and Revised Technical Reference 76 on E-Commerce Transactions
- Singapore launches AI Verify to promote transparency and invites organisations to pilot
- Cyber Security Agency of Singapore issues Guidelines for CII Owners to Enhance Cyber Security for 5G Use Cases
- Licensing framework for cybersecurity service providers under the Cybersecurity Act 2018 effective from 11 April 2022
- Singapore and UK conclude Digital Economy Agreement
- Personal Data Protection Digest: The Data Breach Notification Obligation and Case Studies for Financial Institutions and Employers
- Financial penalty cap for data breaches by organisations under Personal Data Protection Act 2012 to increase from 1 October 2022
- Update on FinTech trends in 2021
- Regulations and advisory guidelines under Personal Data Protection Act 2012 amended to provide for how business contact information of data protection officers may be set out
- Singapore Cybersecurity Strategy 2021 launched
- CSA consults on licensing framework for cybersecurity service providers under Cybersecurity Act: Proposed licence conditions and regulations
- Protection from Harassment Court operational from 1 June 2021
- EDB New Ventures launches programme to support companies to create ventures from Singapore within six months
- Escrow for Crypto-Assets: Bridging the Trust Gap
- IMDA conducts second consultation on draft Code of Practice for Competition in the Provision of Telecommunication and Media Services
- Electronic Transactions Act amended on 19 March 2021 to include electronic transferable records
- Singapore-led initiatives on data management framework, model contractual clauses for cross border data flows and information exchange mechanism approved at first ASEAN Digital Ministers’ Meeting
- Three key FinTech trends in 2020
- Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Bill passed to provide for electronic transferable records and electronisation of negotiable instruments, documents of title and bills of lading
- Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Bill tabled for first reading: New provisions on electronic transferable records and electronisation of negotiable instruments, documents of title and bills of lading
- Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2020 gazetted, PDPC issues draft advisory guidelines to clarify key amendments
- Expected date of commencement of Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Bill, and preparatory steps for organisations
- Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Bill passed to introduce mandatory data breach notification, data portability requirement and increased financial penalty cap
- Covid-19和电子签名在新加坡的应用
- Covid-19: Digital signatures explained - Know before you sign
- Enterprise Singapore and the Singapore Standards Council launch new national e-commerce standard to build trust and transparency in online transactions
- Singapore recognises APEC CBPR and PRP System certifications for overseas transfers of personal data from 1 June 2020
- PDPC issues advisories on collection of personal data for Covid-19 contact tracing and use of SafeEntry
- Protection from Harassment Act amended to tackle spread of online falsehoods affecting individuals and entities
- MCI and PDPC propose amendments to Personal Data Protection Act 2012 to introduce mandatory breach notification, data portability and increased financial penalties
- Covid-19 circuit breaker: Safe distancing, safe technology?
- Covid-19 and the use of electronic signatures in Singapore
- IMDA issues press release on new initiatives on AI governance, including second edition of the Model AI Governance Framework
- PDPC issues response to public consultation on data portability and data innovation provisions
- Changes to Protection from Harassment Act partially in force from 1 January 2020: New offence of doxxing introduced
- Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act 2019 effective from 2 October 2019
- MAS accepting applications for Singapore’s first digital bank licences open to non-bank players
- MAS launches Sandbox Express for faster market testing of innovative financial services and products
- PDPC publishes new Data Protection Officer Competency Framework and Training Roadmap
- PDPC publishes new “Guide to Accountability under the Personal Data Protection Act”: Demonstrating accountability for personal data
- IMDA and PDPC launch Trusted Data Sharing Framework for trusted data sharing between organisations
- MAS extends digital bank licences to non-bank players
- IMDA seeks feedback on review of Electronic Transactions Act
- PDPC consults on proposed introduction of data portability and data innovation provisions
- PDPC updates Guide to Managing Data Breaches 2.0 and issues new Guide on Active Enforcement
- Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Bill passed in Singapore Parliament
- IMDA consultation on proposed converged competition code for telecommunication and media markets: Deadline for feedback extended from 17 April 2019 to 15 May 2019
- Singapore intends to introduce data portability requirement, discussion paper published
- IMDA consults on proposed converged competition code for telecommunication and media markets
- Singapore releases Asia’s first Model AI Governance Framework for public consultation, pilot adoption and feedback
- IMDA consults on Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Guide
- Stricter rules on collection, use or disclosure of NRIC numbers from 1 September 2019
- New multi-year roadmap for telecom industry to secure Singapore’s connectivity infrastructure